History Estimates

My Estimates window tracks your estimated ranges for History values for the coming draw. It also provides various hints to make your estimates more precise. The window opens from menu History - My Estimates.

The estimates are organized into a table where each row represents a single History Level. Column Min shows the lower boundary of your estimate in a given Level. Column Max shows the upper bound of your estimate. You can enter estimated ranges directly from keyboard or use spinner buttons to increase or decrease Min/Max values by one. Column Range shows the estimated range in a given Level.

The first table column is a check box to turn corresponding Level on or off. When a Level is turned off it won't be used when filtering tickets in Sum Range ticket filter. Use this switch when you are not sure how to estimate the History values in one or more Levels. Turning a Level off does increase the count tickets left after filtering but it's probably better than loosing the Jackpot ticket due to a wrong estimate.
To turn multiple Levels on/off with a single click, first select appropriate table rows with your mouse and then click check box column of any selected row.

The last table column serves for Level locking. When a Level is locked it isn't possible to make changes in its estimated range. Lock a Level when you are done with estimating its range for the next draw. It will prevent accidental changes when working with various hints at the lower part of the window.
To lock/unlock multiple Levels with a single click, first select appropriate table rows with your mouse and then click the last column of any selected row.

My Estimates window remembers its last used values and restores them in a new application session.

Toolbar at the top of the window provides the following functions:

Note: My Estimates window operates with the selection of past draws from the last active Latest History or Summary History windows. So if you select for example 10 latest draws in Latest History window and then switch to My Estimates window, the latest sum values in My Estimates will be calculated from the 10 latest draws.


The lower part of My Estimates window provides various hints you can use when adjusting your estimates. Select a single row in the upper table to see hints for corresponding Level. Initially the estimates are empty, their Min and Max values just show n/a. You have to use some other History features first to generate the estimates. Click button to use the hint values as your estimates for selected Level. This button is disabled if the hint does not have any value yet or when the selected Level is locked.

 Click the estimate name or the little expand button before the name to see detailed information provided by the hint.

Absolute Ranges

The hint provides the minimum and maximum possible value as calculated in Lookup Min/Max Ranges window.
The hint details show the tickets and the selection of past draws the min/max values were calculated from. Click button  in the toolbar at the top of the window to recalculate absolute ranges.

Sums Chart

Open Sums Chart in History Summary window and use Range Tool to highlight a portion of the chart. The selected sum range will be then available in this hint.
The hint details show average and median sum values from appropriate chart window.

Differences Chart

Open Differences Chart in History Summary window and use Range Tool to highlight a portion of the chart. The selected range of History differences will be then available in this hint.
The hint details show average and median sum values from appropriate chart window.

Simulation [segmentation]

Open Latest History window, switch to Segmentation mode and run draw simulation. The default hint values are the minimum and the maximum from simulation results. However since such ranges are usually too wide for reasonable filtering (depending on the nature of tickets used for draw simulation) you can fine tune this estimate by zooming a section of histogram chart in simulation results window. The zoomed range will be used as new hint values then.
The hint details show the average and median simulated sum and also the tickets and segmentation settings that were used to simulate draws.

Simulation [summary]

Open Summary History window, switch to Simulation mode and run draw simulation. The default hint values are the minimum and the maximum from simulation results. However since such ranges are usually too wide for reasonable filtering (depending on the nature of tickets used for draw simulation) you can fine tune this estimate by zooming a section of histogram chart in simulation results window. The zoomed range will be used as new hint values then.
The hint details show the average and median simulated sum and also the tickets and ticket filter (if any) that were used to simulate draws.

Predictions [sums] & Prediction [differences]

Select menu History - Predictions to run automated prediction of upcoming History values. The predicted values are adjusted by adding/subtracting the predefined range from History settings. Hint details show additional information about the predicted value.

What If [ticket]

This hint provides History values produced by current What If numbers. Hint's range is adjustable in History settings.
The hint details show the current What If numbers.

What If [simulation]

This shows the result of draw simulation based on History ranges in selected levels. A histogram of simulation results is also available in History charts.
The hint details show the average and median simulated sum, filtering conditions and how many simulated draws passed that condition.

 You should always compare all hints witch each other when estimating History values for the next draw. For example if Differences Chart hint shows range -15 to +5 and Sums Chart hint shows range +12 to +32 then it is clear that one of the estimates you made in Sums Chart or Differences Chart is wrong. You should revisit the charts, make new estimates and/or consult other hints. Alternatively, you can turn the given Level off if it isn't possible to make a solid estimate.

It is possible to paste estimated ranges values from system clipboard. If you have prepared your estimates in e.g. MS Excel, you can highlight two rows or two columns of cells, copy them into system clipboard, click into My Estimates table and paste them as your new estimates. If My Estimates is showing differences (see toolbar description above) then the pasted values are interpreted also as differences, otherwise the pasted values are treated as absolute sum values.
You can also highlight a single row in Summary History window, copy it to system clipboard and then paste it into My Estimates window in the same way. The values will be pasted both to Min and Max fields respectively.

tip See also History Level Synchronization.