Winning Numbers Matrix

Winning Numbers Matrix window opens from menu Winning Numbers - Show As - Matrix and displays selected past draws as a matrix of all pool numbers. Matrix rows are individual draws, matrix columns are pool numbers. There are several layouts of pool numbers available. You can switch to a different layout using Matrix Layout combo box at the bottom of Winning Numbers Matrix window.
The first matrix column shows draw date. Hover your mouse above this column to see draw date and its winning numbers in a tooltip. Click the Date column header to sort the draws in ascending or descending order.

An important feature of Winning Numbers Matrix window is the highlighting of pool numbers to improve the visual perception of past winning numbers.
The picture above shows the latest draws from Expert Lotto 6/49 demo lottery. Numbers 21 to 30 and numbers 41 to 49 are highlighted - their cells have yellow background. Note that the last column in matrix header displays the count of highlighted numbers. Also the last column on each matrix row shows how many highlighted numbers each ticket contains.

There are several ways to highlight numbers in the matrix:

After highlighting one or more pool numbers you can filter the draws in the table by clicking Filter button at the bottom of this window. This removes all draws from the table that contain the selected count of highlighted numbers. The draws are NOT removed from your winning numbers database - make a new selection of past draws by clicking button Select at the top of the window to see the removed draws again in this table.
Button Match Summary opens a window showing summary count of draws with highlighted numbers.

When one or more draws are selected in the matrix the following changes happen in application's user interface:

Click menu File - Print to print the matrix, click menu File - Export to export the table content to a file.

 If the matrix table is too wide for your screen or too small for your eyes you can resize it using the slider at the bottom of the window.

 Use menu Edit - Find to search for a draw with given numbers. Use menu Edit - Delete to remove currently selected draw(s) from the matrix. Note: Delete action doesn't delete draws from winning numbers database. It only removes selected draws from the matrix. You can click button Select to display removed draws in the matrix again.