Using WN History

Using Wnhistory

Postby Maryland » Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:29 am

Looking at your example in the help section shows LottoExpert 6/49 and how to get the winning numbers GUARANTEED in your page after filtering.
You were using -10 and +10 to the highest number when clicking on -10 column. Could you give an example for the Maryland Bonus Match 5 please. This is only a start of questions but we will take one at a time.
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Postby stan » Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:08 am

Hi Maryland,

the procedure is the same for any lottery. We chose the -10/+10 range as it yields reasonably small set of tickets for our 6/49 lottery. You may tune these settings a bit to fit your lottery.

Anyway, you can try it out yourself for the Bonus Match 5 lottery:
* calculate the sums in the Winning History page as described in the tutorial
(291, 561, 850, 1130, 1479, 1768, 2017, 2349, 2701, 2982, 3267)
* go to the Edit Winning Numbers window and 'hide' the latest draw (Oct 31st 2004 - 5, 7, 8, 9, 32, 27)
* generate the full package
* use the WN History filter and enter the values above -10/+10 and choose Matching Tickets Leave
* 202 tickets remain in the package including the jackpot wining one and numerous matches in 4 numbers

Note: The example above is given for the Winning Numbers database containing draws up to October 31st 2004.

You may use a wider range (e.g. -20 / +20) to allow for errors in your estimates but it'll yield many more resulting tickets. On the other hand you can analyze them statistically to see which numbersare most likely candiates.
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Postby Maryland » Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:30 am

One question answered. Now what was the purpose (in the same example) for writing down the highest total when clicking the -10 column in the Wnhistory and is it the total column you look at or the -10 column ? The example never came back to this, or if it did I sure missed it after reading it 7 times now.
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Postby Maryland » Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:49 am

I cannot for the life of me get the same results you get on the Maryland Bonus Match 5 example. If it's not to much trouble could you go step by step on how you got the winning numbers. This is one heck of a program and I would like to grasp the workings of it.
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Postby stan » Thu Nov 11, 2004 11:11 am

As for the highest value in the -10 column - this step is optional. Basically this way you can choose that the WN History filter should work with the last XX draws only instead of the whole winning numbers database. It may speed up the processing a bit.

To reproduce my example above you must work with exactly the same winning numbers database range. The last draw in my database is October 31st 2004. Now if I 'skip' that draw, the database will 'think' that the last draw was made on October 30th 2004 (numbers 12, 16, 19, 31, 32, 37). When I recalculate the sums in the WN History page, the data will reflect the winning numbers database state for Oct 30th and I can make my 'estimates' for Oct 31st (which I wrote down earlier).

Now if your database contains entries after October 31st (which I suspect is the case) then you'll be getting different sum values because these draws are included in the calculation as well. You must either skip them too or better way is to select the draw range e.g. Jan 1st 2000 to Oct 30th 2004 in the WN History filter.

To sum it up:
- leave your wn database as is, do not skip any draw, also make sure all draws are included (Show skipped entries in the Edit winning numbers window)
- go to the WN History page and in the WN Selection choose Draw range Jan 1st 2000 to October 31st 2004 and recalculate the sums, you should get the same values as in my example above
- generate the full package
- open the WN History filter and in the WN Selection choose Draw range Jan 1st 2000 to October 30th 2004
- enter the sum ranges as in my example above and filter out tickets that do not match
- the jackpot winning ticket will remain in the package

try the steps above and if you still can't get the same results i'll try to post some picture here. :vogel:
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Postby Maryland » Fri Nov 12, 2004 2:37 am

Well 4 hours now using the example in help and your instructions and I still don't get the same results. :wand: I have to either be missing a step(s) or I have a problem with my software. I did use -20 and +20 couple days ago and got the winning number but it wasn't highlighted in blue in the visual page. If you could step by step or click by click I don't need to see a screen and point me in the right direction. I can't be this stupid.
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Postby stan » Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:22 am

ok, let's start from the begining. ;-)

1. i'm using the database you submited to get your free license. i suggest to make a backup of your current setup, delete your bonus match 5 lottery and download it from our website. because if you modified, added or deleted any draws in the database before oct 31st you will be getting different results.

2. go to the wn history page, in the wn selection choose 'date range' 'nov 1st 1997 to oct 31st 2004'. you should see that 1000 winning numbers tickets fit into that range. click the update button.

3. in the number history tab there should be the following values in the sum table at the bottom: 291, 561, 850, 1130, 1479, 1768, 2017, 2349, 2701, 2982, 3267.

4. select a new date range: 'nov 1st 1997 to oct 30th 2004'. 999 tickets are selected. the new values in the sum table are: 281, 567, 850, 1129, 1471, 1761, 2015, 2356, 2701, 2979, 3285

5. generate all possible combinations into the package (575757 combinations). to do so open the generator, make sure the number range is 1 to 39, check 'generate maximum possible number of tickets' and click ok.

6. open the wn history filter. in the wn selection choose 'date range' and selected dates 'nov 1st 1997 to oct 30th 2004', again 999 tickets selected.

7. make sure all checkboxes in the table are checked and enter values from step 3. the min column will be 10 less, the max column will be 10 more then the actual value, e.g. row 0: min=281, max=301, row -1: min=551, max=571, row -2: min=840, max=860, row -3: min=1120 max=1140 etc, see the picture below:

8. set 'logical condition' to 'and', make sure the checkbox 'the difference in...' is not checked, select 'aplicable tickets leave' and click ok button.

9. 202 tickets remain in the package, the ticket at position 70 is '5, 7, 8, 9, 32' which are the winning numbers for draw oct 31st 2004
pls note that the ticket is not higlighted automatically! the ticket is highlighted in our help only to show a clear evidence that the procedure is valid and is working. you must actually search for it yourself looking for match in "6" (the last column in the table) after clicking the searched numbers in the panel.

that's it! :cool:

if you still can't reproduce the above then i guess it's up to you to post some screenshots here so that i can see what you're doing wrong. :vogel:
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Postby Maryland » Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:18 pm

Ok got it :-D . The problem was my database. When I downloaded the one I sent you it worked fine. And by the way you have it posted as MA not MD on your website. Thanks alot for your patience.
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Winning History Filter

Postby Maryland » Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:45 pm

Could you explain why when using the -10/+10 in the Winning History Filter you always come up with the winnning number as per the example. I do a draw simulation with the winning number to find out the sum values before entering the winning number to the database use those sum values -10/+10 and don't get the winning number. It has to do in someway with the winning number database even though you skip that last draw in an example.
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Postby stan » Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:58 pm

the goal of the wn history strategy is to find/estimate the next values of the history sums.

e.g. let's assume that current values for the wn history sums are:
351, 554, 833, 1099, 1561, 1765, 2020, 2351, 2733, 2976, 3261
(i made these up, they're not from any particular lottery)

what you should do next is to check wn history charts, differences charts etc to estimate how these values will change after next draw.
let your conclusion is that the next sums will be:
333, 560, 812, 1132, 1581, 1735, 2013, 2304, 2768, 2989, 3221

now if you set the range to be +0/-0 and filter the whole package, your result will be ONE ticket only. but if your estimates are correct then it will be the jackpot winning one!

however such precise estimates are not very likely so you would use some sum range, e.g. -5/+5 to allow for errors in your estimates. the filtering will now produce e.g. 50 tickets but again, if your estimates were correct (within the -5/+5 error margin) you will get the jackpot winning one among the 50 restulting tickets.

bigger sum range e.g. -10/+10 allows for even bigger errors in your estimates however it results in more ticket being left in the package after filtering.
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What About the "difference in X .. " check box??

Postby tax » Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:43 am

Hi Stan,

In the help document there is a section that states that to reduce the number of possible tickets even further, it is possible to use the "The difference in X to Y columns is at most -A to -B" check box.

The help menu explains this in 1 sentence only reffering to the visible difference in columns SUMs. but it never goes back really explaining how this works.

Could you enlight me please? What is this check box reffering to? If you could post a picture with your explanation just as a reference it would be great :-)

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Postby stan » Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:40 pm

Hi Stan,

In the help document there is a section that states that to reduce the number of possible tickets even further, it is possible to use the "The difference in X to Y columns is at most -A to -B" check box.

The help menu explains this in 1 sentence only reffering to the visible difference in columns SUMs. but it never goes back really explaining how this works.

Could you enlight me please? What is this check box reffering to? If you could post a picture with your explanation just as a reference it would be great :-)


hi laurent,

when playing our czech lottery (6/49) we observed that very frequently sum difference in 3 to 5 columns ranges from -10 to 10, regardless of its absolute value.
e.g. column 3: 450 (previous value 457), column 5: 743 (previous value 738), column 10: 1432 (previous value 1439). so in these three columns the maximum difference was in the range -7 to +5.
therefore the wn history filter offers an optional condition "the difference in x to y columns is a to b".
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WinHistory Descending

Postby Maryland » Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:32 am

For the pick 5 players I've won some money doing the following.
Update WinHistory, click Number History, double click each column from -1 to -10 for descending results. Take the first five numbers from each column, write them down. You will have the same numbers in some of the columns. Find each individual number (I've been getting about 14 numbers) generate a package for whatever amount you can afford using the step size and swap your numbers. This works for me, maybe not for you so test first before you use your moola :vogel:
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Observations about Winning History charts

Postby lottobrain » Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:33 am

Hi Stan,
I'm getting more familiar with using the Winning History Charts, but still have a lot to learn. For my particular Lotto game, the Delaware Multiwin 6/35, I have only about 132 draws in the database since the game began.
(Regarding this statement I wanted to mention also that it took me awhile to figure out what the "___" tickets meant under the Update button. Of course it is the amount of draws listed in the database. At first I thought it meant that the program had picked this amount of tickets to find or filter, so perhaps you might want to chage this description there in case anyone besides myself was getting confused by it.) Returning to my starting I began to get more familiar with the program and observe more, I noticed that the grand total column of my Summary chart was increasing each draw from the previous. I had been having trouble filtering the 1.6 million combinatins with the Winning History Sums
filter and getting any tickets left in the package. For my last attempt though, after picking my -10, +10 values for the 0 thru _10 columns, I added them up to make sure that they totaled slightly more than the last grand total value before filtering, even though I had reduced the values in some columns and increased them in others. This seemed to assure that I got picks in the package. This piece of info might come in handy for anyone using the program with a smaller database. After observing this, I opened several other databases to check how the grand totals ran in the Summary pages and saw that in a lotto with hundreds or thousands of draws, the Summary page grand totals in the last column were fairly consistently the same. I'm still not clear on exactly what the program is doing (the theory) with the winning history stats, though I understand how the values move across the page from column to column. Regards, Lottobrain
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Postby lottobrain » Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:51 am

Hi Stan,
This weekend I learned a little more how to use some of the various filters in the program. Incidently, thanks for pointing me to the tutorial for much of that info which I had overlooked. I used several of these filters to make picks for the Saturday night Powerball drawing. I was a little off in my guessing for a couple of them, but was close on several after using the statistics charts for Sum, Root Sum, High-Low, etc. My main mistake in using them was that I predicted that the numbers would be 2 odd and 3 even and it was 2 even and 3 odd, so my few winning tickets were filtered out. I used them in conjunction with the Winning History Sums filter. After the drawing, I experimented several times with using the correct values for the basic filters I mentioned above + changing the vaues for the column sums where I was wrong to see how many tickets I might get had I been correct with my guesses. I also used only the Winning History filter on the 1.6 million combinations to see what it would come up with. With just the WH filter, it came up with 15 tickets, but the jackpot ticket was in these 15. Of course using this method, it took about 20 minutes for my computer to go through the 1.6 million combinations. However, when I ran the 1.6 million combos thru the Sum and Sum root filters, the odd-even, and the Hi-Low filters, then ran the remaining 16,000+ package tickets through the WH filter, the whole process took a couple of minutes and only the jackpot ticket remained in the package. For the column values in the WH filter, I used the guesses I had made that were 2 or 3 points off the final values after the draw, and changed the incorrect ones to something close to the final values just to see how good the program was without a "perfect +10 or -10 value off the final values after adding the winning ticket back into the database. Pretty impressive if one is able to make the right guesses for the various filters and get close with the WH filter.
Regards, Lottobrain
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