Expert Lotto Jackpot Guide

Postby Red Devil » Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:56 pm

Thanks, its the same for me, I was thinking that my PC may have been a little slow.
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Postby stan » Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:27 pm

[quote=Red Devil]
How long does it take to pass all possible tickets on a 6/49 lottery through the WN History sums filter, on your computer.

i've already posted some benchmarks here, you can search for them
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Postby stan » Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:33 pm

re excitment: we had also a few moments that got us very excited upon a new discovery only to find that we missed the jackpot again... ;-)

but still, expert lotto software has made a tremendous progress from its beginings a couple of years ago. and i believe that the new features like the predictor will be a big step in the right direction as it will help to eradicte human error in our strategies (or at least some of it)
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Expert Lotto Jackpot Guide.

Postby Alcymart » Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:38 am

Sorry it took so long to post my next article but it's going to be worth the wait.

Like I stated in my earlier posts, it is US against the odds. We are fighting to win something at our national Lottery. We need to see how well we are doing against the odds by looking through our stats. It's the only place we get indicators of if we are doing things right or wrong.

I will share with you what I discovered since last time I posted. Remember I said I will not post only until I am sure that what I do is duplicatable by all.

I am posting now because I know all can duplicate what I am about to tell you. Some of you will find it pretty basic what I will share. Trust me, this is how to win the lottery game! It's already proven. It's just that so many overlooked the basic parts.

You will run a test and generate all possible combinations for your lottery in your package. For this you use the Generator and set accordingly so it generates all possible combinations for your lottery whether its 6/49, 5/42 etc... Do this now.

Once done, you will click the "Statistics tab and make sure you checked marked Only "Tickets in Package", and then click on "Calculate stats" button. This may take some time depending on how many possible combinations that need to be calculated in the lottery you are playing.

Once finished, you will click the other button above the last on that reads "Show stats for:" and select "Ticket Numbers".

Notice in your Ticket numbers stats that the "Occurrence column, all amounts are the same. Same thing for the % column beside it.

This means that all numbers are distributed evenly in occurence within all combinations combined in your package. Perhaps no surprisefor you for now. That's what you think... Throw in random numbers, and the outcome will still be just about the same. Try it and see it with your own eyes.

This tells us that all numbers will eventually come out all equall in the long term. What you did by generating all possible combinations is like if there had been all those draws. In a 6/49, that would be 13,983,816 combinations or draws.

Now you might think that before there will be that many draws in my lottery, I will be long gone.

Ok, you have a point , however I am showing you this to prove a point. All numbers in a drawing barrel have the same chances of being drawn in the long term, so we can accept the fact that this is true in the short term also. In any term!

Move now to the Pairs stats, same thing, their all equally distributed, triples, same thing! If you have the quads plugin, same thing... all equally distributed occurences even when generated randomly! Read on...

Go ahead and generate any amount of combinations but use the random option. When you will calculate the stats, all occurences will come out just about all equall again for numbers, pairs, triples, and quads. Take note that we could bring this further to sextuplets and they would all come out equall. This is why picking a combination that was already drawn is not smart.

Try it as many times as you like, you will always get the same results. Why is that? Like I said earlier, all numbers have an equall chance of being drawn and this proves it.

So now that you know this, the next time you play lottery, you will have a much greater chance of success if you pick numbers, pairs, triples or quads in your combinations that have 0 occurence or at least the fewest occurences. That's because they are due anytime. Remember, all will come out equally sooner or later!

Sure a pair can come out twice, we have seen this happen and it will happen again. Numbers come out equally in the long term but not in the short term. It is nearly impossible to predict the outcome of a draw short term until I came in...LOL (just joking), however we can wait for one that we know will show up sooner or later. Let the jackpot come to you, not the other way around.

But we must setup a good trap so that we don't wait forever until we hit the big one, this is what I am going to share with you.

Remember that you stand a greater chance that numbers, pairs or triples that have not come out will hit. For many of you, a triple is 3/6 and wins you a little money so its not all that bad after all chosing 2 triplets to form a 6 number combination. You now have twice the chance to hit a 3/6 with only 1 ticket. Not a bad deal! If you have quads stats plugin, than you can look for a 4/6 with 0 occurences, same thing if you have the quints stats for 5/6. All this can be replicated with those who like playing Keno.

So, Now you can check stats of your winning numbers that were drawn by your lottery commission. Look at the occurences. Look for the lowest occurences in numbers, pairs, triplets etc... They are due anytime! Now the thing is that it could be due tomorrow or in 50 years, we simply don't know for sure. What we do know is that everything will come out equally some day. To help out in the short term, you can use the "Due" column of what is mostly overdue for now until my next article on how to make traps,but you may notice that it's the numbers already drawn that are due. This is normal since there are stats only for numbers that were drawn. Not for those that were not drawn.

The conclusion of all this is that being aware of this, from now on, you will pick numbers or combination of numbers that are most likely to be drawn long term. In my next article, I will share tips and tricks how to detect numbers that are most likely to be drawn out of x amount of numbers that are overdue in the short term. How to surround and trap the jackpot number! I will show you next time how to trap 3/6, then 4/6 and so on. Trapping the jackpot involves a lot of work and focus. But for most of you, trapping the smaller division prizes will be simple so that's the first thing I will share with you next time.

Until next time....

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no hit pairs-triples

Postby jimbo » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:30 pm

just a thought on playing pairs and triples. after i generate my package and filtered using
sum,o/e,l/h,successive,std dev,panel, number range. <<this is my template.

we all know playing 1-2-3-4-5-6 is fruitless,
how do i filter out the pairs and trioples in my package i think are the same fruitless sequence-like 2,3,4,57,58,59 or 23,24,32,33,44,45 and keep the ones i think are going to come to papa?

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Postby stan » Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:14 pm

how do i filter out the pairs and trioples in my package i think are the same fruitless sequence-like 2,3,4,57,58,59 or 23,24,32,33,44,45 and keep the ones i think are going to come to papa?

you can use either pairs/triplets filter. number range filter is also useful if you want to filter out successive pairs/triplets/quads/pentads etc...
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Postby jimbo » Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:57 am

thanks stan i give it a try
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triple-pair filter

Postby jimbo » Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:29 pm

so what your sayiny is, after i load my generated tickets, like a couple hundred thousand, i have to go down and look thru them all for triples and pairs i dont want? dont quite have the time.

probably should wait till i get it down to a couple hundred with history sums, correct?

what if i want to play triples and pairs but not sure of numbers i want to
play, did see triples stats, shows a lot of triples that havent hit yet, can el spit me out a couple hundred triples and combine them together to make a 6 digit tickey to play? sooner or later i would think some of those triples would hit.
say triples stats shows
have not hit, can el combine them and into one 6 digit line. remember theres a couple thousand of these triples showing not just 2.

just wondering
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Postby stan » Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:55 pm

say triples stats shows
have not hit, can el combine them and into one 6 digit line. remember theres a couple thousand of these triples showing not just 2.

sure, generate all combinations into the package, calculate the stats (for winning numbers only), highlight the triplets that you think will hit in the next draw. then invoke stats filter and select at least 2 to x in each ticket
then you can be sure that each ticket left in the package after filtering will have at least two 'promising' triplets.
naturally you can choose different filter settings...
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