win history segment question

win history segment question

Postby jimbo » Thu May 04, 2006 5:48 am

at 55 learning keeps me alive. hey gang, In win history, the History Differece chart, the segment area. History to show button-do you filter each one, one at a time or can you do all off them at once? can i just filter the -3 history to show? i did try it, but not sure if it filtered all of them or just the one history to show i had on screen.

thanks stan
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win history segment

Postby Red Devil » Thu May 04, 2006 11:18 am


Just a couple of years younger than you and still learning as well.

If you are referring to the segment filters then you can use them individually by leaving the ones you don't want to use set at Min/Max0 & 6, but it is better to use them all together. They are very good at removing ticket combinations particularly when using all 3, use the preview feature to se what you are likely to get rid of first. Like the majority of filters in ExpertLotto, you can either leave or remove what passes the values set in the filter.

I use this particular tool every week. Don't you just love this programme, I learn something new almost every day!

Rgds :-)

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thanks Red

Postby jimbo » Thu May 04, 2006 1:39 pm

hey red, thanks, thats exactly what i needed to know. hope i can get this program to do what its supposed to do before the bill collectors come knocking.
do agree, this is a better program compared to other one i used.
my mind sems to adjust to it anyway- :wand:

when i filter my package using winhistory segments, and it says segment ends at row 6, and theres 8 columns of numbers, can you just use 4 columns?
realize top row is recent draw, some of those numbers can repeat and some might not, want to remove some numbers from top row that i think wont hit. should i just remove the numbers i dont want by clicking them on panel in single numbers filter?

another question, back to win history chart-history diff
segment panels, where it says max-20. and numbers in black boxes in columns, the nighest number thru all the history to show screens, 20 is the highest number thats got a black box around it. even though the game has a high number of 80. Do i need to run simulate?

at 55, think i know what i'm saying,
talking on paper makes it worse.

thanks for the help
let me know if your not sure what i'm asking

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Win History Segment

Postby Red Devil » Thu May 04, 2006 5:37 pm


I tend to use segments on "History to show =0" only, you only ever get a max of 6 columns always the top row and sometimes rows 2, 3 or even 4.

History to show less than 0, I understand what it means but I haven't got around to using it yet, easier to think of one history at a time. Then if there are numbers you don't want to use, filter them with the single number filter as you have suggested.

For your second question you will need Stan.

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Postby jimbo » Fri May 05, 2006 6:25 am

think i figured out what the nos in the black boxes are, there the nos in the draw simulation area at the bottom. even when its in-active the nos will be in black boxes. 1 thru 20 in draw simulation, which is amount of nos in my lottery. the black boxes thru me off, thought they meant something.

now to figure out the draw simulation thing. if i come up with anything, i'll pass it on. love nothing more than to drain ny lottery kitty.

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Postby stan » Sat May 06, 2006 4:27 pm

now to figure out the draw simulation thing. if i come up with anything, i'll pass it on. love nothing more than to drain ny lottery kitty.

draw simulation is just a tool for 'what if numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 came up in the next draw?' - so you enter those numbers into the simulation fields, click simulation button and all the charts and tables will recalculate as if those numbers were drawn. so now you can observe how the numbers fit into your estimates...
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stan-what if

Postby jimbo » Sun May 07, 2006 3:16 am

stan, kind of thought thats what it meant, but finding the what if numbers this area has a problem :vogel: . like to play keno, and play the numbers from the last 3 draws, skipping the previous. is there a way i can highlight the 3 or 4 draws of winning numbers or from any of the charts into the generator? looking for a way to make it easier, than having to write down and click on them in the panel.

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Postby PadawanLotto » Sun May 07, 2006 4:42 am

stan, kind of thought thats what it meant, but finding the what if numbers this area has a problem :vogel: . like to play keno, and play the numbers from the last 3 draws, skipping the previous. is there a way i can highlight the 3 or 4 draws of winning numbers or from any of the charts into the generator? looking for a way to make it easier, than having to write down and click on them in the panel.


Generate a full package of ticket combinations and then goto WN History page, History Differences, History to Show 0. Highlight the drawings that you do not want to include in your package by draging your cursor down the list of past drawings, use the Ctrl key to select lines that are between lines that you want to keep. Once you have the past drawings highlighted, goto Visual Package and in the Remove Match in: place a check mark in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and click on Remove Match in: button and now you have a package of combinations that only contain the numbers you want to work with.

After filtering a package like this you most likely do not want to use the Simulation Tickets as the min/max values may be misleading, especially the min values.

Hope this helps.
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Postby jimbo » Sun May 07, 2006 12:53 pm

wow, thanks. didnt think it would be possible,
thanks for the tip, sounds like it will do the trick.

30yrs old--- :finger: then
55 yrs old-- :zzz: now

thanks for the help
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Postby jimbo » Mon May 08, 2006 1:00 am

went to WN history page-History Diff-History to show 0.
There wasnt any drawings there to highlight, just chart with nos and some in blk boxes. with segments to filter on right side.

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Postby PadawanLotto » Mon May 08, 2006 1:59 am

went to WN history page-History Diff-History to show 0.
There wasnt any drawings there to highlight, just chart with nos and some in blk boxes. with segments to filter on right side.


Once you get to the WN history page-History Diff-History to show 0, click on update. The rows of numbers starting from the top down are the past drawings, the most recent in row 1 to the oldest in the last row. What you are seeing is where the numbers where last drawn. The black boxes are Draw Simulation numbers found at the bottom of the page and you don't need to worry about them unless you place a set of numbers in the boxes click on the Draw Simulation, I haven't used the Draw Simulation feature yet.
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Postby jimbo » Mon May 08, 2006 2:31 pm

almost got it. i think. went to visual package, and used the spin button to show last 3 draws. then went to Wn History and did the same. only spot i'm stumped on in Wn history-history diff. when set to 0, the last line in the history diff chart shows the nos that havent hit, if i change the history to show to -1, will that give me only playable nos that have hit in the selected 3 draws? or should i go back to visual and highlight the columns of non-hit nos and use the remove match? trying to play just the nos that have hit in the last xx amount of draws. and not have to generate a full package and filter.

did play a test session last nite, like the reuslts, it just had nos from 4 draws on up, when i selected 3 draws to use. due to wn history showing nos in last row, which were non-hit nos, i think

thanks again,
help is appreciated
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Postby stan » Mon May 08, 2006 6:25 pm

almost got it. i think. went to visual package, and used the spin button to show last 3 draws. then went to Wn History and did the same. only spot i'm stumped on in Wn history-history diff. when set to 0, the last line in the history diff chart shows the nos that havent hit, if i change the history to show to -1, will that give me only playable nos that have hit in the selected 3 draws? or should i go back to visual and highlight the columns of non-hit nos and use the remove match? trying to play just the nos that have hit in the last xx amount of draws. and not have to generate a full package and filter.

did play a test session last nite, like the reuslts, it just had nos from 4 draws on up, when i selected 3 draws to use. due to wn history showing nos in last row, which were non-hit nos, i think

i think you misunderstood how history segments work.
go to number history tab, select show differences only and click on the header of column -1 to sort it in ascending order.
now switch to history differences and select history to show -1

you will note that the first row labeled 1 shows numbers from the number history tab that have difference value "+1" in column -1. row labeled 2 shows numbers with difference value "+2" etc.

now if you sort number history by column -2 and display history differences history to show -2 you will see that the table layout is the same...
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Postby jimbo » Tue May 09, 2006 2:13 pm

i did misunderstand. so the wn history is not the chart to use to get numbers from the last 3 draws to generate my package.
just looking to generate a package using the nos hit in the last 3 draws.
been writing down and clicking nos on panel. in the generate randon numbers.
is using visual pachage to show last 3 the way to do it?
just wondering if easier way than writing down than clicking panel nos.

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Postby stan » Tue May 09, 2006 5:51 pm

i did misunderstand. so the wn history is not the chart to use to get numbers from the last 3 draws to generate my package.
just looking to generate a package using the nos hit in the last 3 draws.
been writing down and clicking nos on panel. in the generate randon numbers.
is using visual pachage to show last 3 the way to do it?
just wondering if easier way than writing down than clicking panel nos.

there are many ways to create such a package. for example select all possible combinations in the ticket generator and then add a filter to match the last 3 draws in 6 numbers. it may not be the fastest though...

or you can highlight the last 3 draws in winning numbers page to color the ticket panel and then use number swap in the ticket generator to swap numbers with white background (i.e. those that were not draw) for the colored ones
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