Winning Numbers Table

Winning Numbers Table window opens from menu Winning Numbers - Show As - Table and displays selected draws from winning numbers database as a plain table. Table rows are individual draws, table columns are winning numbers. The first table column shows draw date. Click the Date column header to sort the list of draws in ascending or descending order.

Click button Select at the top of the window to display a different selection of past draws in the table.

When one or more draws are selected in the table the following changes happen in application's user interface:

Click menu File - Export or menu File - Print to export the table contents to a file or to print the table respectively.

 Use menu Edit - Find to search for a draw with given numbers. Use menu Edit - Delete to remove currently selected draw(s) from the table. Note: Delete action does NOT delete draws from winning numbers database. It only removes selected draws from the table. You can click button Select to display removed draws in the table again.