Win Coverage window opens from menu Package - Coverage and shows the minimum win guarantee for Package tickets.
First select how many numbers you expect to hit then click Show button. The coverage is calculated and the table below shows the win guarantee achieved when you hit the selected count of numbers.
The screenshot above shows the win coverage for 100 random
combinations of 15 numbers in a 6/49 lottery. If you hit any 3 numbers
from the 15 numbers in the pool then the worst-case scenario is winning
nothing as shown on the first table row. Four triplets out of 455
possible combinations of three numbers are missing in Package tickets
so the chances of winning nothing are 0.88%.
The second table row gives 3.96% chance of winning at least one Match 3 prize.
You can win six Match 3 prizes with the probability of 12.97%. But
there's also 87.25% chance of wining six Match 3 prizes OR five Match 3 prizes OR four Match 3 prizes OR three Match 3 prizes OR two Match 3 prizes OR one Match 3 prize OR winning nothing.
The best case scenario is winning eleven Match 3 prizes with the chance
of 0.44%.
Another example shows the win coverage for the same 100 random combinations of 15 numbers when six numbers are hit:
You can win at least three Match 4 prizes AND 47 Match 3 with
the chance of 0.02% when hitting any six numbers.
There's a 0.16% chance of winning four Match 4 prizes AND 37 to 46
Match 3 prizes.
The third table row shows you can win five Match 4 prizes AND 37 to 47
Match 3 prizes OR four Match 4 prizes AND 37 to 46 Match 3 prizes OR three Match 4 prizes AND 47 Match 3 prizes with the chance of 0.44%.
The best case scenario is winning one Jackpot prize AND up to 4 Match 5 prizes AND 3 to 18 Match 4 prizes AND 21 to 45 Match 3 prizes. As you
can see on the last table row the chances are 2%.
Right-click the results table to open popup menu to export or print the
See also Package Optimizer filter.