Import Lottery from Expert Lotto 4.x

If you were using Expert Lotto version 4.x to play a lottery that isn't listed on Expert Lotto web site, for example a custom created lottery, you must first import that lottery into Expert Lotto 5. The lottery format has changed in Expert Lotto 5 and you cannot directly open a lottery from version 4.x in Expert Lotto 5 without converting it to a new format.

  1. Click menu File - Import Lottery to open Import Lottery window.
  2. Click Browse button next to Import from field to select folder containing the lottery in Expert Lotto version 4.x format. The usual location of lottery folders in version 4.x is C:\ExpertLotto\data on Windows 7 and Windows Vista or C:\Program Files\ExpertLotto\data on Windows XP.
  3. You will see the name and the description of the selected lottery in the fields below.
  4. Click Browse button next to Save to field to pick folder the lottery will be imported to. The selected folder must be empty.
  5. Click Import button to finish the import.
  6. If the import was successful you will be prompted to open the lottery in Expert Lotto 5.