Sum Range
This filter accepts tickets that have the sum of their main numbers within specified range.
Note: When playing powerball-like lotteries, which draw one or more numbers
from a separate pool, then the powerball number(s) is not included in
ticket's sum value.
When filtering with settings Min Sum: 180, Max Sum: 200 then:
- 13-25-35-36-42-49 - filter accepts this ticket because the sum of its numbers is 13+25+35+36+42+49=200.
- 01-10-20-30-40-49 - filter rejects this ticket because the sum of its numbers is
1+10+20+30+40+49=150 which is outside the specified range.
- 01- *-37-46-47-49 - filter accepts this ticket because the sum of its numbers is 1+37+46+47+49=180.
See also Ticket Sum statistics.