Match Winning Numbers

This filter compares filtered tickets with selected past winning numbers draws.


The latest five draws in Expert Lotto 6/49 Demo Lottery are:

2010/27, Sun 2nd, 01-06-12-24-32-41-[44]
2010/28, Wed 1st, 16-18-22-23-28-29-[24]
2010/28, Wed 2nd, 02-13-16-17-25-40-[27]
2010/28, Sun 1st, 06-13-14-19-41-42-[29]
2010/28, Sun 2nd, 23-29-36-42-44-47-[07]

Filtering with settings Winning Numbers: 5 latest draws, Match 4 accepts for example ticket 1-6-12-15-24-42 as it matches draw 2010/27 Sun 2nd in four numbers (1,6,12,24). Filter rejects for example ticket 23-30-36-42-44-47 as it matches five numbers from draw 2010/28 Sun 2nd.

Filtering with settings Winning Numbers: 5 latest draws, Match 3, Min 2 accepts for example ticket 13-14-16-19-35-40 as it matches 3 numbers from draw 2010/28 Wed 2nd and three numbers from draw 2010/28 Sun 1st.

See also Match Previous Draws statistics.