last weeks draw numbers

last weeks draw numbers

Postby Guest » Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:42 pm

Hi Stan :finger:
I have noticed for quite some time now that in the New Zealand winning results nearly every week there is at least one, often two & sometimes three winning numbers come up from the previous weeks draw. ( I imagine the same applies to other lottos). I would love to have a table ( probably in statistics/winning numbers table) to show us the number of numbers that came up again from the previous weeks draw. I am certain there would be a pattern you could follow, and I figure this gets you something like (in our6/40 lotto), between 16% & 50% of the winning numbers included in your system for next week. The table would not have to show the actual numbers , but just how many there were from last week. This would be very valuable info to use when using the "Match winning numbers" filter. :cheesy:

Postby stan » Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:04 pm

there are already columns 'hit 5/15/30 prev' in the winning numbers table stats that show what you're asking for. the tooltip for cells in this table even shows the actual matching numbers.
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Postby Guest » Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:14 am

Hi Stan
Many thanks for that. I did look at that, but what I really want is to be able to look at the results for prev 1 week only. (don't think this is possible???? :-( ) The manual didn't seem to have a lot of info regarding this.Maybe an alteration whereby you could somehow select exactly how many weeks back you would like to go starting at 1, would be a great idea?? Also wanted to point out some differences in the results I have when I compare Hit 5 prev, Hit 15 prev, Hit 30 prev to the winning numbers table. (see attachments enclosed) If you look at the hit 5 prev column, the results for the top row (25/6/05), show the number 2. I take it that this is telling you that in the last five draws, two numbers from draw 25/6/05 have appeared. When I hold the pointer over the number 2 it tells me the two numbers are actually 5 and 40. However, if you look at the winning numbers table (see attachment) you will see that in the previous week the number 9 also came up. ( doesn't show the number 9 when I point to the number 2 at the top of the hit 5 prev column.) Therefore I would have thought that the number 2 at the top of the hit 5 prev column is incorrect??. Just wondering if this is a program glitch or something I am doing wrong?? :wand: Also noticed that some of the other results from the hit prev tables seem to be inaccurate.(e.g. from draw 18/6/05 it has the number 2 at the top of prev hit , when I place the tool pointer on it , it tells me the numbers 4, 17, But does not show the number 18 which also came up within the prev 5 weeks. Also tried it on the demo powerball.........the draw 28/2004 gives the hit 5 prev as 2 (2,15 when pointed to), and yet 4 and 33 have also been drawn in the last 5 weeks draws( a total of 4) .Hope you can follow this ok, look forward to your reply, once again many thanks , I really appreciate all your help, & prompt replies.
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Hit previous further attatchment

Postby Guest » Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:27 am

Hi Stan
This is a further attachment to go with the previous topic. Is there any way you can send two attachments together? Thanks
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Postby stan » Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:46 am

the hit x prev stats show the maximum match of the ticket at the given row with x previous draws. it means the ticket is individually compared with x previous draws and the maximum match found is displayed in the table cell.

it doesn't show how many numbers from the given draw appeared in x previous draws.
however it seems like useful information so i'll add more columns to this table. something like 'occurrence in x prev'
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Postby Guest » Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:20 am

Hi Stan
Yes please , if you could add extra columns so that we can see just how many times the numbers from a particular draw you are looking at have come up in X amount of weeks that would be great. ( esp if you could vary the number of weeks) It's imprtant information that myself (& I'm sure heaps of others), would use each week . Many thanks for that

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