In this guide, I will be describing a method to analyze and match number difference patterns that are installed with the Segment Differences and Positional Segment Differences plugins.
To install the plugins; in the main menu click Tools-> Plugins to bring up the plugins window. Now click on the Settings tab and check mark all names under the "Active" column. In the same window, click on the Available Plugins tab and then click the "Check for Newest" button. This will update the plugin list. Check mark the 'History Filters', then click the "Install" button at the bottom of the window. These two plugins and several others, will be installed into the 'Available Filters:' and Tools-> Filters tab list under the folder/category "Winning Numbers History".
What these plugins do, is match ticket numbers to the difference values in the Latest History tab-> Segmentation table-> 'Difference' column. The documentation for the plugins describes ticket number combinations that are generated from these segmentation table differences(documentation link here Forum Link). However, analyzing these combinations can be difficult if you are not very familiar Expert Lotto's number history features. So the main purpose of this topic is to simplify any analysis by using only the number difference patterns of a winning draw.
To access these patterns, open up the Properties[Winning Numbers] tab by going to; Main menu-> Winning Numbers -> Show As-> Properties. Then click on the 'Columns...' button on the top left. In the column options list, check mark 'History Segment Patterns' then click OK. In this tab's window, only two columns will be used for the examples below;-> "Segment Pattern 0" and "Number Differences 0". These two columns have values(e.g. 1-3-3-8-10-11) that represent the count of previous draws that occurred since a number in a ticket was drawn. 'Segment Pattern 0' is the ascending order of the values, and the 'Number Differences 0' is the positional order of the values. The Complex Filter setup images below are all using the EL Demo 6/49 lotto.
Plugin feature descriptions.
- 'Match count min:/max:' = Range of differences to match.
- 'Match numbers from the latest Segments table' = When checked, a draws latest differences are matched to a previous selected draws latest differences. When unchecked, segment differences are matched using the selected draws segmentation tables. To check matches from a selected draw's segmentation table, in the main menu set a 'Cut-off' draw date to the same date(s) as any of the "Winning Numbers: 'x' latest draws". Then enter a winning draws numbers into the 'What If' feature. In the Properties[Winning Numbers] tab, you can now compare the 'Segment Pattern 0' or 'Number Differences 0' columns for matches between the What If differences and Cut-off draw date differences.
- 'Repeats:' = Repeat the filter for a count of 'x' previous draws. So using 5 latest draws and 'Repeats: [3]' means the filter repeats checking five previous draws by moving back one previous draw two times(or 7 total draws).
1. Match any differences in 5 previous draws.
Open the Properties[Winning Numbers] tab. With this tab open, look for the property column labeled 'Segment Pattern 0'. This will be the difference patterns to follow in the examples below(excluding any bonus numbers).
When the above filter is back-tested using all 960 winning draws, one of the accepted ticket results will be;
2009/33 Wed 1st -- 14,23,25,33,36 [46] -- 1-2-3-7-8-11 <- This ticket is accepted, because one of the five previous draws(draw 2009/32 Wed 1st) has 4 matching differences.
2009/32 Sun 2nd --- 01,23,35,38,40 [48] ----- 1-3-4-7-10-14
2009/32 Sun 1st ---- 15,18,22,36,45 [48] ----- 2-2-3-4-6-13
2009/32 Wed 2nd -- 09,14,16,27,28 [32] ----- 2-6-7-9-15-21
2009/32 Wed 1st --- 12,20,22,38,48 [49] ----- 1-2-5-6-7-8
When you Run this filter, it will accept any Package tickets that have four differences matching any of the latest 5 winning draw differences.
2. Same filter as in the image above, but the 'Match numbers from the latest Segments table' is unchecked,...then one of the back-test ticket results will be;
2009/36 Wed 2nd - 02,04,12,16,17,30 [38] -- 2-4-4-5-5-6 <- This ticket is accepted, because the segmentation table of draw 2009/35 Sun 2nd had 4 matching differences(see matches below).
2009/36 Wed 1st --- 01,13,26,29,32,46 [28] ---- 1-3-12-13-36-55
2009/35 Sun 2nd --- 07,28,29,30,42,48 [2] ------ 1-3-4-5-16-25 <- If you set the cut-off draw date feature to 2009/35 Sun 2nd, you will see that draw 2009/36 Wed 2nd has the differences of 1-3-3-4-4-5 in Level 0, which match 4 differences of this draws 'Segment Pattern 0'.
2009/35 Sun 1st ---- 03,09,20,29,37,39 [49]----- 4-6-6-14-23-24
2009/35 Wed 2nd -- 02,06,17,32,38,43 [35] ----- 2-3-4-6-15-26
* Note: The Segment Differences plugin is only matching from the same draw,...this is a possible error with the plugin(?). With 'Repeats' set at [1], it should be comparing a range of all selected draws and not just one. The author of the plugin(or stan), will have to confirm this issue.
The Positional Segment Differences filter is the same for filtering differences patterns except that it only applies to the position of each difference. The positional segment differences patterns are located in the Properties[Winning Numbers] tab' under the 'Number Differences 0'( 1,2,3 levels etc.) columns.
Positional Segment Differences filter back-test examples.
1. Match positions from any 5 previous draws...
2010/26 Wed 1st -- 05,12,25,31,44,46 [33] -- 8-3-2-5-14-2 <- This ticket is accepted, because there are 4 matches in any of five previous draws.
2010/25 Sun 2nd -- 10,15,28,30,36,43 [35] ------ 19-45-5-15-18-16
2010/25 Sun 1st --- 16,21,24,25,35,46 [47] ------ 29-64-2-5-5-27
2010/25 Wed 2nd - 09,12,23,34,39,49 [24] ------ 14-2-2-1-3-2
2010/25 Wed 1st -- 01,06,22,24,34,40 [33] ------ 4-11-11-5-8-15
2010/24 Sun 2nd -- 08,12,23,31,37,49 [27] ------ 8-2-5-9-15-15
2. Match positions from a range of previous draws.
When the 'Match numbers from the latest Segments table' feature is unchecked, one of the accepted back-test tickets from the filter is 2010/14 Sun 1st 02,15,24,35,39,41 [29]. This ticket is accepted because the filter looks at the first draw date of the selected draws(Draw 5) and checks the segmentation table of that draw to see if there are any matching differences by position. It then repeats this for the next selected draw up to previous draw 10. If there are five different positions that match within the 5 to 10 selected draws segmentation tables, then the ticket is accepted.
Below are 5 to 10 past draws and their latest differences. To the right of these are the accepted tickets segment differences (in bold) for the selected draw dates.
2010/14 Sun 1st ----- 02,15,24,35,39,41 [29] -- 02-10-10-11-10-5 <-- The accepted ticket.
2010/13 Wed 2nd --- 16,20,37,40,41,42 [14] ---2-15-1-11-2-14 (11-6-6-7-6-1) --- Draw 5 has 0 matches.
2010/13 Wed 1st ---- 18,26,29,37,45,46 [39] ---2-6-5-10-1-10 (10-5-5-6-5-2) ----- Draw 6 has a position 3 match.
2010/12 Sun 2nd ---- 06,07,16,28,41,45 [04] ---9-4-5-7-2-2 (9-4-4-5-4-1) --------- Draw 7 has positions 1 and 2 match.
2010/12 Sun 1st ----- 03,09,18,23,25,34 [46] ---25-5-30-11-17-6 (8-3-3-4-3-2) --- Draw 8 has 0 matches.
2010/12 Wed 2nd --- 01,04,14,41,45,47 [42] ---3-22-14-4-16-1 (7-2-2-3-2-1) ---- Draw 9 has a position 6 match.
2010/12 Wed 1st ---- 15,19,24,39,47,49 [43] ---3-14-14-7-1-19 (6-1-1-2-1-4) ---- Draw 10 has a position 5 match.
In the above back-test, the accepted tickets difference values on the dates of the selected 5 to 10 past draws, match five different latest positional differences, so the ticket is accepted.
In both plugin filters, the settings of the filter will apply in the same way for any Level(s) that are check marked. Also note that when the 'Match numbers from the latest Segments table' is checked, some segmentation table differences from draw to draw may not have any ticket numbers to match. In this case, the filter will only match what is valid from the 'Match count min:[x] max[x]' settings. Let me know if there are any questions.