Here is a current list of the available plugins for Expert Lotto 5.11. To access all the plugins in this list, you will need to be online to update and install.
In the program, click on the main menu Tools-> Plugins to bring up the plugins window. Now click on the Settings tab and check mark all names under the "Active" column. In the same window, click on the Available Plugins tab and then click the "Check for Newest" button. This will update the plugin list. Check mark any of the plugins you want to use, then click the "Install" button at the bottom of the window and follow the instructions. There are a total of 22 plugins(11 install with the program, and 11 are optional). Once a plugin is installed, you can Deactivate/Activate as needed from the Plugin window "Installed" tab. The support for the plugins below are either Beta or Certified.
(Beta) = Work in progress. Stability and function are not fully tested and may contain errors.
(Certified) = Official plugin, or to be added to the program later(?).
The list below is mainly a guide with a basic description to what is available and where they install. For any additional information or documentation, there will be notes or links listed. If a plugin description has a "(...?)" at the end, then it needs more documentation or possibly has errors. There are also a few experimental type plugins not listed here that are found only in the hidden Jackpot forum. To access this hidden forum, you will need to have a full registered EL license and follow the information from 'stan' in this Forum Link.
If there are any questions on how to use any of the plugins, you can reply in an existing past topic or create a new topic in the forum. Feel free to let me know in a PM or in the Forum of any corrections, broken links or if there is any new information to add. I will continue to edit/update this list as needed.
If a plugin or item has an "A/P", "CS" or "WNC" at the end of a description, then it has support in the following features;
(A/P) = Ticket Analyzer & Ticket Properties(unless specified; Ticket Analyzer only, or Ticket Properties only)
(CS) = Combined Statistics
(WNC) = Winning Numbers Charts
TimMac Filters (Beta)
- Installs the following 7 filters into the filter list category....".TimMac Filters 1".
Line Width - Difference between the first ticket position and the last ticket position(Line Width). Ticket 1,2,3,4,5,6 has a line width of 5 (6 - 1 = 5). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Total/Double Core Digits - Total of Core Digits 1,2,3 in a ticket,...or Double Core Digits where both the Left and Right digits are 1,2,3. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Core/NonCore Filter - Core Digits of 1,2,3 and Non-Core Digits of 4,5,6,7,8,9,0. Only Right digits are used. Options include Core to Core/Core to Non-core(etc.) (A/P,CS,WNC)
Unique Digits Filter - Left/Right unique digits. Ticket 6,18,22,34,41,48 has the Left and Right unique digits of 1,2,3,4,6,8. Filter ignores bonus numbers and digits 0. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Line Sum Average - Sum average of a ticket. Ticket 1,2,3,4,5,6 sum is 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21. The Line Sum average = 3 (21/6 = 3.5, rounded down to 3). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Multiple (Divs) Filter - Multiples of the ticket numbers(e.g. 6,9,12,15,18 are multiples of 3...and ticket 6,18,22,34,41,48 has 2 numbers with a multiple of 3(6,18). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Number Filters - Prime, Lucas, Squared, Fibonacci, Triangular, Powerful, Palindromic, Trimorphic, or Ulam numbers. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Note: For documentation, use the main menu Help or open the filter and then press F1.
Note: "Left/Right" digits are the same as "First/Last" digits from the Expert Lotto documentation.
TimMac Extra Filters (Beta)
- Installs the following 4 filters into the filter list category....".TimMac Filters 1".
Dual Odd/Even/Mixed Filter - Left/Right digits that are both odd, or both even, or mixed. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Number Mirrors - Mirror digit pairs: 1-6, 2-7, 3-8, 4-9, 5-0. Ticket 1,2,3,4,5,6 has one mirror pair = 1-6. Left digits of 0 are ignored. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Non-Repeating/Repeating Digits - Left/Right digits that repeat. Ticket 7,12,22,30,35,46 has 2 Left(30,35), and 2 Right repeating digits(12,22). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Sum Digit Filter - Sum of Left digits(Tens), or Right digits(Units), and then adds PI for results(e.g. add Left digits only, then divide by PI). Line Sum = (...?) (A/P,CS,WNC)
Note: For documentation, use the main menu Help or open the filter and then press F1.
Note: "Left/Right" digits are the same as "First/Last" digits from the Expert Lotto documentation.
TimMac Historical Filters (Beta)
- Installs the following 3 filters into the filter list category....".TimMac Filters 1".
Pattern Hunter - Analysis for; Hot Hitters/Mirror/Double Hop/Forward Spiral/Trend Stopper/Lotto Symbol. For more documentation, search the forum for "Prediction Pattern Hunter".
Percentage Hunter - Analyze for ticket number repeating pattern of 1,3,5,10,15 draws and over 15 draws.
Tibor Pattern Hunter - Analyze for a 12 segment pattern by Hot/Warm/Cold/Odd/Even/Low/High status(e.g. segment 1. is: Low Odd Hot, segment 2. is: Low Odd Warm, segment 3. is: Low Odd Cold, etc..., to -> last segment 12. is: High Even Cold). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Note: For documentation on Percentage Hunter & Tibor Pattern Hunter, use the main menu Help or open the filter and then press F1.
Vertical Segment (Beta)
- Adds a new option tab in; Tools-> Options-> Miscellaneous-> Vertical Segment tab.
- Adds an additional Ticket Analyzer statistic; H/C Vertical Segment, in category..."Tin". (A/P,WNC)
- Installs the following filter into the filter list category...."Tin".
Vertical Segment - Ticket numbers that are found in the first column "1" of the segmentation table(History-> Latest tab-> Segmentation button). (A/P,WNC)
Note: For more information: Forum Link
MS Excel 2007 Integration (Certified)
- Adds an option in "Export..." menus for MS Excel 2007 XLSX Files.
MetaTrader Integration (Certified)
- Adds new option for exporting statistics into MetaTrader 4 under; Tools-> MetaTrader 4... For more information and installation: Site Page Link