The Available Plugins List

The Available Plugins List

Postby tdnl46w » Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:14 am

Here is a current list of the available plugins for Expert Lotto 5.11. To access all the plugins in this list, you will need to be online to update and install.

In the program, click on the main menu Tools-> Plugins to bring up the plugins window. Now click on the Settings tab and check mark all names under the "Active" column. In the same window, click on the Available Plugins tab and then click the "Check for Newest" button. This will update the plugin list. Check mark any of the plugins you want to use, then click the "Install" button at the bottom of the window and follow the instructions. There are a total of 22 plugins(11 install with the program, and 11 are optional). Once a plugin is installed, you can Deactivate/Activate as needed from the Plugin window "Installed" tab. The support for the plugins below are either Beta or Certified.

(Beta) = Work in progress. Stability and function are not fully tested and may contain errors.
(Certified) = Official plugin, or to be added to the program later(?).

The list below is mainly a guide with a basic description to what is available and where they install. For any additional information or documentation, there will be notes or links listed. If a plugin description has a "(...?)" at the end, then it needs more documentation or possibly has errors. There are also a few experimental type plugins not listed here that are found only in the hidden Jackpot forum. To access this hidden forum, you will need to have a full registered EL license and follow the information from 'stan' in this Forum Link.

If there are any questions on how to use any of the plugins, you can reply in an existing past topic or create a new topic in the forum. Feel free to let me know in a PM or in the Forum of any corrections, broken links or if there is any new information to add. I will continue to edit/update this list as needed. :)

If a plugin or item has an "A/P", "CS" or "WNC" at the end of a description, then it has support in the following features;
(A/P) = Ticket Analyzer & Ticket Properties(unless specified; Ticket Analyzer only, or Ticket Properties only)
(CS) = Combined Statistics
(WNC) = Winning Numbers Charts

TimMac Filters (Beta)
- Installs the following 7 filters into the filter list category....".TimMac Filters 1".

Line Width - Difference between the first ticket position and the last ticket position(Line Width). Ticket 1,2,3,4,5,6 has a line width of 5 (6 - 1 = 5). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Total/Double Core Digits - Total of Core Digits 1,2,3 in a ticket,...or Double Core Digits where both the Left and Right digits are 1,2,3. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Core/NonCore Filter - Core Digits of 1,2,3 and Non-Core Digits of 4,5,6,7,8,9,0. Only Right digits are used. Options include Core to Core/Core to Non-core(etc.) (A/P,CS,WNC)
Unique Digits Filter - Left/Right unique digits. Ticket 6,18,22,34,41,48 has the Left and Right unique digits of 1,2,3,4,6,8. Filter ignores bonus numbers and digits 0. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Line Sum Average - Sum average of a ticket. Ticket 1,2,3,4,5,6 sum is 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21. The Line Sum average = 3 (21/6 = 3.5, rounded down to 3). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Multiple (Divs) Filter - Multiples of the ticket numbers(e.g. 6,9,12,15,18 are multiples of 3...and ticket 6,18,22,34,41,48 has 2 numbers with a multiple of 3(6,18). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Number Filters - Prime, Lucas, Squared, Fibonacci, Triangular, Powerful, Palindromic, Trimorphic, or Ulam numbers. (A/P,CS,WNC)

Note: For documentation, use the main menu Help or open the filter and then press F1.
Note: "Left/Right" digits are the same as "First/Last" digits from the Expert Lotto documentation.

TimMac Extra Filters (Beta)
- Installs the following 4 filters into the filter list category....".TimMac Filters 1".

Dual Odd/Even/Mixed Filter - Left/Right digits that are both odd, or both even, or mixed. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Number Mirrors - Mirror digit pairs: 1-6, 2-7, 3-8, 4-9, 5-0. Ticket 1,2,3,4,5,6 has one mirror pair = 1-6. Left digits of 0 are ignored. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Non-Repeating/Repeating Digits - Left/Right digits that repeat. Ticket 7,12,22,30,35,46 has 2 Left(30,35), and 2 Right repeating digits(12,22). (A/P,CS,WNC)
Sum Digit Filter - Sum of Left digits(Tens), or Right digits(Units), and then adds PI for results(e.g. add Left digits only, then divide by PI). Line Sum = (...?) (A/P,CS,WNC)

Note: For documentation, use the main menu Help or open the filter and then press F1.
Note: "Left/Right" digits are the same as "First/Last" digits from the Expert Lotto documentation.

TimMac Historical Filters (Beta)
- Installs the following 3 filters into the filter list category....".TimMac Filters 1".

Pattern Hunter - Analysis for; Hot Hitters/Mirror/Double Hop/Forward Spiral/Trend Stopper/Lotto Symbol. For more documentation, search the forum for "Prediction Pattern Hunter".
Percentage Hunter - Analyze for ticket number repeating pattern of 1,3,5,10,15 draws and over 15 draws.
Tibor Pattern Hunter - Analyze for a 12 segment pattern by Hot/Warm/Cold/Odd/Even/Low/High status(e.g. segment 1. is: Low Odd Hot, segment 2. is: Low Odd Warm, segment 3. is: Low Odd Cold, etc..., to -> last segment 12. is: High Even Cold). (A/P,CS,WNC)

Note: For documentation on Percentage Hunter & Tibor Pattern Hunter, use the main menu Help or open the filter and then press F1.

Vertical Segment (Beta)
- Adds a new option tab in; Tools-> Options-> Miscellaneous-> Vertical Segment tab.
- Adds an additional Ticket Analyzer statistic; H/C Vertical Segment, in category..."Tin". (A/P,WNC)
- Installs the following filter into the filter list category...."Tin".

Vertical Segment - Ticket numbers that are found in the first column "1" of the segmentation table(History-> Latest tab-> Segmentation button). (A/P,WNC)

Note: For more information: Forum Link

MS Excel 2007 Integration (Certified)
- Adds an option in "Export..." menus for MS Excel 2007 XLSX Files.

MetaTrader Integration (Certified)
- Adds new option for exporting statistics into MetaTrader 4 under; Tools-> MetaTrader 4... For more information and installation: Site Page Link
Last edited by tdnl46w on Sun Jun 16, 2024 8:35 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: Available Plugins List

Postby tdnl46w » Thu Jan 23, 2020 6:35 pm

Available Plugins List continued...

Automation (Certified)
- Adds a main menu option called; "Automation".
- The following filters/options are accessed by clicking on the main menu Automation;

Run Filters... - Runs a complex filter from one folder, on ticket files in another folder, and then outputs the accepted filter files in another folder. Note: More information here> Forum Link
Join Filters... - Takes Complex Filters in one folder and combines them to create one complex filter.
History Sum Movement Patterns - Creates Sum movement patterns from selected draws(e.g. pattern symbols + . - = ) and outputs them to a .txt file.
History Odd/Even Sum Patterns - Creates Odd/Even movement patterns from selected draws(e.g. patterns like .eo..e ) and outputs them to a .txt file.
Number Differences Sum Movement Patterns - Creates Number Differences Sum movement patterns from selected draws(e.g. pattern symbols + . - = ) and outputs them to a .txt file.
Segment Differences Movement Pattern - Creates Segment Differences movement patterns from selected draws(e.g. pattern symbols + . - = ) and outputs them to a .txt file.
Per-segment Differences Movement Pattern - Creates Per-segment Differences movement patterns from selected draws(e.g. pattern symbols + . - = ) and outputs them to a .txt file.
Build Filters > Occurrence - Creates a Complex Filter from the analyzed filter occurrences.
................> Segment Combinations - Creates a Complex Filter from the analyzed segment combinations.
................> Segment Size - Creates a Complex Filter from the analyzed Segment Sizes.
................> Negative/Positive History Difference - Creates a Complex Filter from the analyzed History Differences.
................> Positions Filter - Creates a Complex Filter for number positions using a separate .txt file for each position.(see note below)
................> History Sums from Simulation - Creates a Complex Filter using various simulation ranges to build from(e.g. Median, AVG, Most Frequent, etc.).
................> History Sums from Simulation Thresholds - Creates a Complex Filter for ranges of an "Occurrence Threshold"(ranges above and below the most frequent Sum value in a simulation).

Note: For documentation on Positions Filter, use the main menu Help or open the filter and then press F1.

- The Automation plugin also adds the following 2 filters;
- Installs the following filter into the filter list category...."Winning Numbers".

Ticket Index Increments From File - Match ticket indexes by increments in a .txt file. "Increments adjustment min:/max:" -> adjusts the index numbers further(+/-). "Match count to pass min:/max:" -> increments in file to match.
"Increments" text file example: 123456(positive digits match to lower indexes), or: -123456(negative digits match to higher indexes).

- Installs the following filter into the filter list category...."Basic".

Ticket Index & Increments From File - Ticket indexes in one .txt file are incremented by another .txt file. "Increments adjustment min:/max:" -> adjusts the index numbers further(+/-). "Match count to pass min:/max:" -> increments in file to match.
"Indexes" text file example: 123456.
"Increments" text file example: 123456(positive digits match to higher indexes), or: -123456(negative digits match to lower indexes).

Number Intervals (Beta)
- Installs the following 2 filters into the filter list category...."Winning Numbers".

Match Numbers at Intervals - Uses draw intervals to select previous winning numbers to create combinations of numbers to match from.(see note below)
Match Positions at Intervals - Uses draw intervals by position, to select previous winning numbers at the same position, to create combinations of numbers to match from. (see note below)

Note: For more information/documentation there is a file here: Forum Link

History Filters (Beta)
- Adds a; Tools-> Options-> History-> Segments Filter tab.
- Adds a; Tools-> Options-> Statistics-> Latest Ranges tab. There are three user adjustable range fields in this tab for; History Sums, Segment Differences Sums, and Number Differences Sums.
- Adds a properties folder under; Tools-> Ticket Properties tab-> Winning Numbers History-> History Totals (Sums & Differences totals for that ticket's Levels).
- Adds the 12 following to statistics/properties category...."Winning Numbers History";

... History Movement Changes (A/P,CS,WNC)
... Segment Repeats (A/P,CS,WNC)
... Segment Differences Sum (A/P,WNC)
... Per-segment Differences Sums (A/P,WNC)
... Segment Differences Sums Ranges (Ticket Analyzer only)
... Segment Diff Sum Range Repeats (A/P,CS,WNC)
... Latest Ranges (A/P,CS,WNC)
... Number Differences Sum Range Repeats (A/P,CS,WNC)
... History Sum Root (A/P,CS,WNC)
... Number Differences Sum Movement (A/P,CS,WNC)
... Segment Differences Sum Movement (A/P,CS,WNC)
... History Differences AVG & Median (A/P,CS,WNC)

- Installs the following 21 filters into the filter list category...."Winning Numbers History".

Number Differences Sum Movement - Filters tickets by a, Decrease/ No change/ Increase, from the latest draw in selected Levels. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Number Differences Sum Patterns - Adjust the Number Differences Sums by +/- in Levels to match selected draws. (see Note 1 below)
Segment Differences - Uses winning draw(s) interval values to select ticket numbers in the segmentation table, and create combinations of ticket numbers to match from. (see Note 1 below)
Positional Segment Differences - Uses winning draw(s) interval values, by ticket number position, to select ticket numbers in the segmentation table, and create combinations of ticket numbers to match from. (see Note 1 below)
History Sum Ranges - Input Min Sum and Max Sum Ranges for Levels.
History Sums - Input multiple specific Sums values for each Level(500 550 575 etc.). (WNC)
Number Differences Patterns - Adjust ranges of Number Differences for Levels to match selected draws. (see Note 2 below) (...?)
Number Differences - Range + Odd/Even - Adjust ranges of Number Differences for Levels with Odd/Even counts to match selected draws. (...?)
Segment Differences Sum Range - The Sum of segment differences Min/Max range for Levels.
Segment Differences Sum Movement - Decrease/No Change/Increase, for segment differences sums in Levels.
History Sum Movement Patterns - Matches tickets from a .txt pattern file where each line of text consists of: " - ", " + ", " = " symbols (e.g. +--++= ).
Segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns - Matches tickets from a .csv/.txt pattern file where each line of text consists of: " - ", " + ", " = " symbols (e.g. +--++= ).
Per-segment Differences Sum Movement Patterns - Matches tickets from a .txt pattern file where each line of text consists of: " - ", " + ", " = " symbols (e.g. +--++= ).
Number Differences Sum Movement Patterns - Matches tickets from a .txt pattern file where each line of text consists of: " - ", " + ", " = " symbols (e.g. +--++= ).
Latest History Sums - Select a Min/Max range around the latest winning draw History Sum for Levels. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Latest Number Differences Sum - Select a Min/Max range around the latest winning draw Number Differences Sum for Levels. (A/P,CS,WNC)
Latest Segment Differences Sum Range - Select a Min/Max range around the latest winning draw Segment Differences Sum for Levels. (A/P,CS,WNC)
History Sum Root - History Sum root in any Level. (A/P,CS,WNC)
History Sum Root (extended) - History Sum roots separately for each Level.
Segment Sums - Segment Sum Min/Max for individual segments for any Level.
History Odd/Even Sum Patterns - Matches tickets from a .txt pattern file where each line of text consists of: " e ", " o " letters (e.g. oeoeoe ).

Note 1: For more documentation/information on Segment Differences, Positional Segment Differences and Number Differences Sum Patterns: Forum Link There is a New Filters.rar file in stans reply containing documentation spreadsheet files for all three filters. There is also a quick guide for Positional/Segment Differences here:Forum Link
Note 2: More Information on Number Differences Patterns and a spreadsheet Number Differences Patterns.xlsx file in stans reply near the top here: Forum Link

Experimental Filters and Statistics (Beta)
- Adds the following to statistic/property category...."Basic".

... First & Last Numbers (Ticket Analyzer only).

- Adds the following to statistic/property category ...."Winning Numbers History".

... Levels with Unique Num Differences (A/P,CS,WNC).

- Installs the following 2 filters into the filter list category...."Basic".

Progressive Last Digits - Filters by one last digit position being greater than the previous last digits position. Note: More information here> Forum Link
Cluster Patterns - Filters tickets based on numbers in the ticket panel being next to each other or separated. (A/P,CS,WNC)

- Installs the following 3 filters into the filter list category...."Winning Numbers".

Match Ticket Index - Matches index numbers at positions with selected draws ticket index numbers.
Multiple Adjacent Numbers - Filters tickets with +/- 1 to +/- 5 higher or lower numbers compared to the latest draw, includes matching adjacent number repeats.
Pool Permutations - Uses a .txt file with rules (numbers) that transforms ticket numbers to fit the rules. Note: More information here> Forum Link and a guide on how to use here> Forum Link

- Installs the following filter into the filter list category...."Positional".

Positional Match Tickets in File - Matches tickets in a .txt file by position(e.g. 1 2 3 4 5 6, with spaces).

Segment Extensions (Beta)
- Adds the 5 following to statistics/properties category...."Winning Numbers History".

... Segment Count & Size (Ticket Properties only)
... Segment Rows (Ticket Analyzer only) - Analyzes numbers in a ticket that contain the same differences in the segmentation table. Note: In the Ticket Analyzer, Level [0] statistics will not work for filtering. To filter from the analyzer, you must start with the Level [1] statistics table rows.
... Segment Rows Breakdown (Ticket Analyzer only) - Analyzes numbers in a ticket that contain the same differences from the segmentation table that also match a specified difference count range from the segmentation's table 'Count' column. For instance. Three ticket numbers in a single ticket with the same differences, that range from 3x or greater, from the Count column.
... All Segment Size Repeats (A/P,CS,WNC)
... Segment Size Movement (Ticket Analyzer only)

- Installs the following 2 filters into the filter list category...."Winning Numbers History".

Segment Patterns - Matches the selected segments in the Levels selected.
Segment Size - Matches a Min/Max segment size for each segment and Levels selected. (A/P)
Last edited by tdnl46w on Sun Jun 16, 2024 8:37 am, edited 27 times in total.
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Re: Available Plugins List

Postby stan » Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:13 pm

Very nice to have it all listed like this. Thanks!
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Re: Available Plugins List

Postby D1Magnet » Tue Feb 18, 2020 5:32 am

Thank you very much tdnl46w, that's a great list! :D
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Re: Available Plugins List

Postby tdnl46w » Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:35 pm

Hi stan, D1Magnet, thanks. :)

I will be posting edits/updates shortly that will include the other statistics(etc.)that get installed with the plugins.
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Re: Available Plugins List

Postby tdnl46w » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:05 am

I've updated the plugin list with the extra statistics/properties(etc.)that get installed with the plugins. There is also added information for some of the plugins and if they have support for the Ticket Analyzer, Ticket Properties, Combined Statistics or Winning Numbers Charts.
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Re: Available Plugins List

Postby feelinLucky » Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:10 am

Thanks tdnl46w , fantastic work.
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Re: Available Plugins List

Postby tdnl46w » Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:35 am

Hi feelinLucky. Thanks. Hope the list helps. :)
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