Package Table

Package Table window opens from menu Package - Show As - Table and displays Package content as a plain table. Table rows are Package tickets, table columns are ticket numbers. The first table column serves for ticket tagging. To tag a ticket click its first column. Click the first column again to untag it.

When one or more tickets are selected in the table the following changes happen in application's user interface:

Click menu File - Export or menu File - Print to export the Package table contents to a file or to print the Package table respectively.

Status bar at the bottom of this window shows the count of tickets in the Package and the index of currently selected ticket.

 Use menu Edit - Find to search for a ticket with given numbers. Use menu Edit - Replace to change ticket numbers in currently selected ticket. Use menu Edit - Delete to remove currently selected ticket(s) from the Package. Menu commands Edit - Undo and Edit - Redo revert the results of the last Package operation.

tip The Package content is restored after application restart and also when switching to/from a different lottery.