Hot/Cold Numbers

This filter accepts tickets that have selected count of hot and cold numbers. Numbers are hot when they have been drawn very frequently in the last few draws, cold numbers are those which haven't been drawn at all or only once or twice in the last few draws.

Example - Expert Lotto 6/49 Demo Lottery

When filter settings are Winning Numbers: 20 latest draws, Hot numbers: 1 to 2, Cold numbers 1 to 2, Hot number must hit at least 4 times, Cold number can hit at most 1 times then:

When filter settings are Winning Numbers: 20 latest draws, Hot numbers: 6 to 6, Cold numbers 0 to 0, Hot number must hit at least 4 times, Cold number can hit at most 1 times then:

When filter settings are Winning Numbers: 20 latest draws, Hot numbers: 4 to 4, Cold numbers 4 to 4, Hot number must hit at least 4 times, Cold number can hit at most 1 times then the filter will reject all tickets. There are only 6 numbers in each ticket and a ticket number cannot be hot and cold at the same time.


See also Hot/Cold Numbers statistics and Hot/Cold Numbers coloring.