Digits Patterns

The filter accepts tickets that have the same first/last digits as any of selected past winning numbers draws. The first digit is the leading digit of the number, the last digit is the second digit of the number. For example the first digit of number 23 is 2, the last digit of that number is 3. The first digit of number 9 is 0, the last digit of that number is 9.


The latest three draws in Expert Lotto 6/49 Demo lottery are:

2010/28 Sun 2nd 23 29 36 42 44 47 [07]
2010/28 Sun 1st 06 13 14 19 41 42 [29]
2010/28 Wed 2nd 02 13 16 17 25 40 [27]

When filter settings are Winning Numbers: 3 latest draw, Last Digits, At least 6 to 6 positions must pass then filter accepts for example ticket 12-13-16-17-25-30. Its last digits are 2-3-6-7-5-0 so there is a match with selected draw 2010/28 Wed 2nd.
Filter rejects for example ticket 12-13-16-17-25-31 because only five last digits are the same as in draw 2010/28 Wed 2nd and there is no match with any other selected draw.

When filter settings are Winning Numbers: 3 latest draw, Last Digits, At least 3 to 3 positions must pass then filter accepts for example ticket 12-13-16-17-21-22. Its three numbers 13, 21 and 22 have the same last digits as numbers of draw 2010/28 Sun 1st. So the ticket is accepted even though it has four matching last digits when compared with draw 2010/28 Wed 2nd.
Filter rejects for example ticket 12-13-16-17-25-30 because all six last digits are the same as in draw 2010/28 Wed 2nd and there is no match in three digits with any other selected draw.