First/Last Digit Movement

This filter compares first/last digits at selected positions with past winning numbers draws. A digit can either move up - it is greater than the digit at the same ticket position of a past draw, or it can move down - it is lower than the digit at the same ticket position of a past draw, or it can be the same as in the past draw it is being compared with.

To use the filter, first click Select button to choose the past winning numbers draws to filtered tickets will be compared with. Then tick the ticket position(s) you wish to filter and choose the desired digit movement for each selected position.

Option All draws must pass says that filter accepts a ticket only if the digit movement is matching all selected past draws. With option At least one draw must pass the filter accepts a ticket if the digit movement is matching at least one of the selected past draws. Note: If only a single past draw is selected in the filter window then those two options produce equal filtering results.

Example - Expert Lotto 6/49 Demo Lottery

Draw selection Latest Range 2 to 3 selects the following two draws:

2010/28 Wed 2nd, 2-13-16-17-25-40-[27]
2010/28 Sun 1st, 6-13-14-19-41-42-[29]

See also Digits Movement Patterns statistics.