

Postby Guest » Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:33 pm

Just wondering how do you add in your favourite wheels for use with Expert Lotto. :-( ..........Thanks, niceguy

Postby stan » Mon Nov 22, 2004 1:13 pm

Expert Lotto does not have any database of predefined wheels. So you have two options:

A) Use Expert Lotto to create your own wheels. Open the Ticket Generator, select the range of numbers for your wheel, choose the maximum allowed match and click Ok to generate your wheel. Then you can run it through the new Optimizer plugin (see the News section in this forum for more details) to optimize the coverage of pairs/triplets/quads.

B) Use wheel files created by other lottery software or download wheels from internet. The only condition is that it must be a text file and each set of numbers (line) must be on a separate line of text. The number separator can be either comma, semicolon, colon, space char or tab.
See below for an example of such a file.

#i'm a comment line and i'll be ignored

another example:

[m]2 5 11 7 22 33 17
16 25 33 24 40 11

when you have such a file, choose menu Package - Insert File and in the file selection window set the Files of type to be CSV or Text files (see the figure below) and click Ok to load the wheel into the package. then you can use all expert lotto features to process such a file (playslip printing, number swapping, stats etc).


if you know a good source for lottery wheels, feel free to post a link here.
if you don't know where to look for wheels, we can provide some pointers.
Expert Lotto Team
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Download Wheels

Postby Alcymart » Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:00 pm

Here is a great place for wheels and some world record one's to download. http://hem.bredband.net/b599956/index.htm
Click on Complete or partial wheels. If you click on Complete wheels, after click at the top one of the numbers. If pick 6, click 6 etc and then the guarantee you want etc...

I am posting this because most all links for wheels posted are dead links.
Posts: 474
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:11 am

use of wheels

Postby alland » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:57 pm

i am no expert but for new users to e.l ( like my self) i found that after

filtering an imported wheel you may loose a lot of your winning combinations

that do not fit the stats for jackpot ticket but still win lower divisions

food for thought , i learnt the hard way.
Posts: 132
Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:29 am

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