Stan=WN section help

Stan=WN section help

Postby jimbo » Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:00 pm

Stan, help. i've read and re-read help on history difference chart. i'm totally lost, on what the panels are doing and there effect. do i have to manually put nos in the Draw simulation? Do i click the other simulate button before after or when? is the history to show panel, reflecting draws back? Do i have to generate nos in pakage or is that what this chart does?

i did run it threw the default setting for my ny keno, and tried using panels on right, which naturally effected it.

panels on right, what do they change in regards to filtering?

could you give me a crash course as if you were going to generate nos or use it for a filter, which i havent figured out yet.

thanks a million
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Postby stan » Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:25 pm

hi jimbo,

i have uploaded to our web site one topic from the updated application's context sensitive help: ... istory.htm

so please check the link above, it should provide some basic instructions for novice expert lotto users.

the simulation tab is an advanced wn history feature. you can use it to validate your estimates - first make your estimates in the summary table or in the charts then use the simulation page to simulate e.g. 100000 random drawings to find out what sum values are statistically most likely in the next draw...
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Winning History Charts

Postby lottobrain » Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:56 am

Hi Stan,
I just recently purchased the program and have a lot to learn. The posting you just made on how to use the Winning History charts was greatly appreciated and very helpful, though I need a lot of practice yet. One problem with the charts I'm having a problem with understanding is in the US Powerball game. I set my database up using only the draws from 2003 to the present. In Jan. 2005 they added two more balls to the white ball part of the drawing going from 53 to 55 balls. When I pull up the charts after an "all draws" update, around Sept of 2005 the chart takes a drastic turn downward after riding high for the previous time. It continues to stay down up to the present. I'm having trouble trying to get any picks after trying many different ways of guessing the change in each column. (I should also tell you that I made a special data file for this game using only the 5 white balls, thus creating a 5 out of 55 lotto game with odds of only about 3.6 million. My idea is that it is nearly impossible timewise to try to filter the entire 146 million combinations with the powerballs also in the database. My theory is that I will try to guess the winning 5 white balls and use 1 or 2 powerballs that I think are due to hit.) To return to my problem...can you explain why the chart takes such a drastic downturn as I described and if this is causing me to have problems with all combinations being filtered out? Perhaps I should just mark all of the draws previous to Jan 2005 for skip and use only the 2005 draws and 2006 draws and see how it works. Regards, Lottobrain
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Postby stan » Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:10 am

the sum increments/decrements are lower because numbers 53 to 55 have suddenly been drawn (the first time they appear they have zeros in columns 1 to 10). therefore the charts are distorted. i'm afraid there's nothing expert lotto can do about it. perhaps changing previous draws to introduce random numbers 53 to 55...
you don't have to mark those draws as skipped, you can use date range selection. another option is to remove them completely and start from scratch.
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Question about History Filter Window

Postby lottobrain » Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:56 am

Hi Stan,
Thanks for the quick reply about the Powerball lotto database. I thought that the number change had something to do with it, but had not looked for the first occurring draws of the new numbers. Will check that out. Meanwhile I will discontinue use of the previous draws by date range.
I have another question about the bottons on the History filter window. In your recent post explaining very well how to use the features of winning history, you show that after going to the filter window and setting everything up, one starts the process by hitting the "OK" button, I had read in the documentation with the program I believe, to use the "apply" button. Is there any difference in these two buttons as far as purpose? Also what is the "Preview" button, as I didn't see anything in the program documentation about it?
I just began checking the new results for my DE 6/35 lotto game last night and I see that the new column totals were very close (within 10) to about 9 out of 11 of the columns and the other two were not far off. While I am writing this I have the program running using the previous draw summary column stats +10, -10 to see If I would have won any good prizes doing this.

regards, Lottobrain
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Postby Da80th » Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:19 am

padawanlotto, i'm not sure you corretly understand how the wn history filter is supposed to work. if the sum value in any chart is e.g. 57 then it doesn't mean your estimates for the next draw should be 47 to 67 but rather e.g. 85 +/-10, that means 75 to 95.

please email me if you need more detailed explanation of wn history filter.


I found your post in Lotterypost and I am a bit confuse with your statement " 47 to 67 but rather e.g. 85 +/-10, that means 75 to 95.
". Can you explain why it should be 75 to 95?


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Postby stan » Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:03 pm

I have another question about the bottons on the History filter window. In your recent post explaining very well how to use the features of winning history, you show that after going to the filter window and setting everything up, one starts the process by hitting the "OK" button, I had read in the documentation with the program I believe, to use the "apply" button. Is there any difference in these two buttons as far as purpose? Also what is the "Preview" button, as I didn't see anything in the program documentation about it?
all filter buttons and options are explained in application's context sensitive help - just press F1 key in any application window to bring up the window description. also see here: ... filter.htm
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Postby stan » Fri Apr 07, 2006 3:06 pm

padawanlotto, i'm not sure you corretly understand how the wn history filter is supposed to work. if the sum value in any chart is e.g. 57 then it doesn't mean your estimates for the next draw should be 47 to 67 but rather e.g. 85 +/-10, that means 75 to 95.

please email me if you need more detailed explanation of wn history filter.


I found your post in Lotterypost and I am a bit confuse with your statement " 47 to 67 but rather e.g. 85 +/-10, that means 75 to 95.
". Can you explain why it should be 75 to 95?



i was merely making sure everybody understands what the +10/-10 ranges are for.
for example if the current sum value in any chart is X then your estimates do not have to be X-10 to X+10. instead you should be guessing the next value freely and then add some range to allow for errors. so if your estimate for the next sum value is Y then the filter settings should by Y-10 to Y+10 (or Y-20 to Y+20 etc) where X does not have to equal Y.
but i'm sure most expert lotto users are aware of that already...
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Got it

Postby Da80th » Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:45 pm

hi Stan,

Thanks for for clear that up. And thanks for the tips on Pairs using Beta version.... I forgot to reply to that post :zzz:

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