Postby lottoboy » Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:14 am

Hi, Stan:

My suggestion comes from the update about Joe’s Plugins.

Recently I have received lots of Error Reports and have to contact with you.
You told me that: “i got your log file but all errors come from joe's plugins. i can't fix those errors as i don't have source for his plugins. you'll have to wait till he's back in the forumâ€￾. But how can we use his plugins continually if he doesn’t back to the forum for ever since he’s not the member of EL Team?

I remember that there are some Rules In the Forum of JACKPOT. And the third said: “you can ask for new features that may help to test/validate your ideas *but* you must agree that the features may become a part of some future expert lotto releaseâ€￾ . According to it, Joe should copy his source code to you. But you haven’t it in fact now. So I do suggest to you or EL Team that EL Team must have the copy of source code for anyone’s plugins in the future and it is an important rule too. If not, it will not only reduce the quality of EL Program since those plugins have became the parts of EL Program in fact but should influence costumers’ use. Especially, for some great plugins such as Joe's. Isn’t It?

Let's get organized,
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Postby stan » Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:45 am

joe's plugins and their source code are his intellectual property. you can't force him to give them up.
i'm afraid you'll have to either stop using his plugins that might have some errors or wait till he's back in the forum and ask him for a fix
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Postby Joe » Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:56 pm

Well, I am back, sorry for not being here in forum some months, And I was waiting for stan's new version 5,

Lottoboy, I am here to help you, please let me know what you need or changes in my plug-ins, Thanks
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