Pool Permutations plugin guide

Pool Permutations plugin guide

Postby tdnl46w » Sat Dec 17, 2022 9:10 am

The Pool Permutations plugin matches one set of numbers to another set of numbers using a .txt or .csv file. The plugin filter can be found in the main menu Tools-> Plugins-> Settings tab check mark "Experimental Plugins Updates". Then check the Available Plugins tab, click the 'Check for Newest' button.

Example text file formatting in bold.
#Rule 1 <-- Lines beginning with the number symbol(#) are used for comments/descriptions. This is optional and can be any name you want.
01,02,03,04,05,06 <-- The first line of numbers are for the pool numbers you want to match from.
01,02,18,04,27,32 <-- The second line of numbers are for the pool numbers you want to match to.
In the rule above, the first line of numbers will be matched to the second line. So in the example, 01,02,04 will stay the same. Numbers 03,05,06 will convert to matching numbers 18,27,32. These two consecutive lines are called a "permutation rule"(or transformation/match rule?). Lines can contain from one to all pool numbers if needed, but each rule must have two consecutive lines and an equal count of numbers per line. There can be multiple rules in the text file(e.g. 4 lines would be 2 rules, 6 lines would be 3 rules, 20 lines would be 10 rules, etc.).

Example filter setup for the Rule 1 above, using the EL demo lotto 6/49;

- Pool Permutations, Matching Tickets: Accept
- Winning Numbers: 1 latest draws - Wed 1st,Wed 2nd, Sun 1st, Sun 2nd
- Permutation rules file: Permutation Rule 1(or any file name you want)
- Rules to pass min: [1] max: [1]
- Number match count min: [1] max: [6]

When using 'Run' in this filter setup,...if the numbers of the latest draw have any matching numbers to the rule, then it will apply the match of the second line. If the latest draw has no matching numbers to a rule, then no package tickets are accepted. When using 'Back-test' in this filter setup,...if the rule has matching numbers, then any ticket with the first line numbers will accept following draws with the second line numbers.

2010/15 Wed 1st... 05,18,25,29,31,46,19 <-- This ticket is accepted because number 18 was matched from 03.
2010/14 Sun 2nd... 03,07,10,29,30,33,13 <-- This draw matches one number from the first line, number 03.
Below are some 6/49 lotto examples of text file rule formats that can be very useful in some strategies(i.e. wheeling, number followers and number groups). You don't have to add 0's in front of numbers 1-9, I just used them so things would line up in the post.

Example 1. Match one number to a group of numbers. Number 01 will match with tickets that have 05,36 and 14.
#Rule 1
#Rule 2
#Rule 3

Example 2. Odd numbers to one higher even numbers(excluding number 49).
#Rule 1

Example 3. Mirror numbers.
#Rule 1

Example 4. Decades High/Low switch.
#Rule 1

{Below are invalid file formats}

Example 1.
#Rule 1
<-- If lines are not the same count of numbers, the filter will show an error message.

Example 2.
#Rule 1
01,02,03,04,05,06,06 <-- The number 06 has two numbers to match. The filter will not use the 06 and 11, only the last 06 and 49 will be matched.

Example 3.
Rule 1 <-- If the number symbol is missing, the filter will show an error message.

Example 4.

10,16,23,45,33,08 . <-- Two lines that make a rule can't have spaces in between.

To sum up what this filter does in a strategy worded context,..."If certain numbers are drawn, then filter for these numbers".
Let me know if there's any questions, corrections, etc.
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