Sextet and More Filter

Sextet and More Filter

Postby goldenarm » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:18 pm

I have been following the "Sextet Filter" thread as this filter interests me greatly, not only 6 but 7, 8, 9 and 10 number combinations would be great.

Over the last few weeks I have been using EL to analyse Australian Keno draws and have had some success creating a profit with 5 and 6 number combinations. It is a 20/80 draw with varying amounts for ticket selections with 500 draws per day, my main interest is in selecting 5-10 numbers per ticket. The large amount of draws means repeating combinations of 6,7,8,9 and 10 numbers do happen frequently.

My ballpark request :)

Analyze -> winning numbers -> select 6 to 10 -> where occurence = x or more

Analyze -> winning numbers -> select 6 to 10 -> includes number selection(select 5 to 9 numbers) -> where occurence = x or more

Analyse -> List -> winning number draws -> that contain number selection(select 6-10 numbers)

I do understand that this sort of filtering requires a large amount of memory and processing power, I am currently running the dev EL on my gaming machine, a i7 920 with 12g of DDR3 corsair dominator ram and have EL memory settings set to "-J-Xms512m -J-Xmx4096m", I have so far avoided any lockups or errors and I am very happy with the performance of EL. Maybe these filters could be added with a warning about melting someone's computer :)

Any feedback Stan on the posiibility of including/not including these filters or any potential problems you forsee would be appreciated.

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Re: Sextet and More Filter

Postby stan » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:01 pm

there are 1 646 492 110 120 possible combinations of 10 numbers out of a pool of 80. the maximum count of items i can index in an array using java programming language is 4 294 967 296.
so i'd have to write a lot of extra code to implement the analyzer of combinations of 7/8/9/10 numbers. it's not like reusing an existing analyzer for pentads and increasing some constant from 5 to 6/7/8/9/10. technically it is possible but too much work to justify the development of this feature for a few users only. (unless you want to sponsor the development:)
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Re: Sextet and More Filter

Postby goldenarm » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:14 am

I understand and I put them in as ballpark requests knowing full well what I was asking was probably out of the question, all good, how about this;

Can I run multiple instances of the dev build? I have tried by copying the folder to a different location and running both copies but when I run the second it just maximises the first instance although it is running from a different location.
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Re: Sextet and More Filter

Postby stan » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:46 pm

goldenarm wrote:Can I run multiple instances of the dev build? I have tried by copying the folder to a different location and running both copies but when I run the second it just maximises the first instance although it is running from a different location.

you can, but you must start expert lotto with --userdir xxx command-line parameter where xxx is a folder on your disk (it doesn't have to exist yet). the application-wide settings will be stored in that folder. and you'll need to use your license key again to activate the extra instances of expert lotto.
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